Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Joining the Zumba Party and NFL 2012 Predictions

Joining the Zumba Party and NFL 2012 Predictions 

Wednesday, September 5th 2012

 Hello America,

 Well I have my 2012 NFL Predictions but before I have all the ladies and some gents leave my blog and continue their Pintrest search, I have some good news. Some of you know about but i thought I would let mention it  to you all again. Sunday, September 23rd I will be attending the Zumba Instructor Training class. I decided to go for it. For a long time there were reservations, financial reasons and other distractions that kept me from pursing this. But now I have been able to overcome those 3 obstacles and  I am now ready to take the next step in my path to get in to the Health and Fitness world, so please pray for me that this first step goes well.

  Now you can leave my blog, return to Pintrest as the testosterone gets  aflowing...

  Drum roll....  AND NOW TIME FOR ME My NFL 2012 Predictions


 NFC East

  1. Philadelphia
  2. NY Giants
  3. Dallas
  4. Washington (hurts me to put them in last, but NFC East is tough)

 NFC North

  1. Chicago
  2. Green Bay
  3. Detroit
  4. Minnesota

 NFC South

 1. Atlanta
 2. New Orleans
 3. Carolina
 4. Tampa Bay

 NFC West

 1. San Francisco
 2. Seattle
 3. Arizona
 4. St. Louis


 AFC East

1. New England
2. Buffalo
3. NY Jets
4. Miami

AFC North

1. Baltimore
2. Pittsburgh
3. Cincinnati
4. Cleveland

AFC South

1.  Houston
2.  Tennessee
3.  Jacksonville
4.  Indianpolis

AFC West

1. Denver
2. San Diego
3. Kansas City
4. Oakland


 NFC - Philadelphia, Chicago, Detroit, Green Bay, San Francisco, Atlanta

 AFC-  New England,Denver, Houston, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati

  NFC Championship

   Chicago vs. Green Bay

  AFC Championship

   New England vs. Pittsburgh


  New England vs. Chicago

  Winner :

   New England Patriots


  Rex Ryan of the N.Y.Jets will be fired at the end of the season after a lackluster season,ownership finally grows tired of his style. Also late in the season Mark Sanchez will be benched in favor of Tim Tebow which will be one of the reasons Ryan will be let go. Sometime during the playoffs, the winds or rumors begin to swirl that Jets owner Woody Johnson has been secretly meeting with former Steelers  coach and current NFL on CBS analyst Bill Cowher about being the next Jets head coach. Cowher of course will not deny nor confirm this on air during the broadcast. Later in the week after the Superbowl Bill Cohwer will be named as the next head coach of the N.Y. football Jets....

Remember you saw it here first.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Golden Arch Experiment PART 2- What will a cheeseburger and french fries look like weeks, months and years from now?

 I misplaced my Cheeseburger and Fries from McDonalds that I got back in October of 2011 as part of my experiment to see how they both looked after weeks, months and possibly years. So I had to go there on August 5th, 2011

Monday, July 23, 2012

Back in the GAME!!

                                          Back in the GAME!!!

Published on Jul 23, 2012 by 
After 6 months without v-logging and putting a hold on my pursuit of a career in the Health and Fitness industry due to circumstances beyond my control, I am once again getting back in the game!